
Tin minte ca aveam cam 5 ani si vesnic ma jucam in fata casei bunicilor mei. La 3 case mai incolo statea ea... Blonda, vesela si cu 10 ani mai mare ca mine. De fiecare data cand trecea, aveam cate o "conversatie" misto cu gagica mea. Si ea intra in jocul meu, iar eu eram convins ca nu va mai trece mult si ne vom casatori... and live happily ever after?!?
E interesant sa vezi cate lucruri trec prin capul unui copil de 5 ani si ce dimensiune iau acestea sub influienta afectiunii. Evident ca perspectiva e alta, dar inocenta este pur si simplu dezarmanta.
Anii au trecut, si in curand jocul nu mai era acelasi. Copilul s-a transformat in adolescent si nu se mai juca in fata casei bunicilor, ba chiar dadea rar pe acolo, iar gagica si-a gasit un gagiu pe masura si si-a vazut de viata.
Inca ne mai intalnim pe strada bunicilor si acum si ne tachinam in amintirea unor vremuri de mult apuse.
Insa am reintalnit-o pe Laura in cu totul alte circumstante, nu demult, cand i-am devenit client (de-acum incolo fidel) la salonul de frizerie. Si astfel, pret de o jumatate de ora, o data pe luna, imi dedica toata atentia si rabdarea ei, si ajungem sa recuperam cumva acesti aproape 20 de ani ce au trecut peste noi.
Ce voiam sa spun, de fapt, cu povestea aceasta? Ca nu stii niciodata in ce directie te duce viata si cand se vor intersecta din nou doua drumuri despartite candva.
Okay.. so I'm not a freak or anything, but I thought this would lighten up this too damn serious blog.
I saw on my friend's blog some funny animal clips posted yesterday, so I went on to investigate with my natural curiosity. On his advice, I searched "spanking cat" on YouTube and came up with some pretty weird shit... most of this revealling that cats like being spanked.
Today my damn curiosity pushed me even further... experimentation time :))) This sounds nasty... but I assure you that in a supervised environment it is completly safe.
So... I went to my cat today... petted it as we usually do, then I went on ahead and spanked it. Daaamn... you should have seen the bastard run... I didn't know it could be so fast. :))
The result, weird as it may be: my cat is NOT an S&M fetish freak... and neither am I, but don't be offended if you are one... who am I to judge?
Anyway, we met after a couple of hours, and needless to say no eyecontact or any other type of contact, for that matter, was involved. I feel I have crossed that imaginary uncrossable line... Our relationship will never be the same again, will it?!?!


Si puo' dire che mi piaciono i fiori. Forse solo fotografarli e prenderli ovunque con me. Sono piccoli miracoli di colore che ti fanno la vita piu bella.
Si dice “Stop and smell the roses”... io dico, solo guarda la loro perfezione per un secondo (o piu) e prendi un po' di ispirazione per tutto il giorno.
Gli puoi interpretare come vuoi... come un simbolo d'amore o un segno di felicita', forse una sorpresa piacevole o puo' essere una manifestazione di rispetto. Tu decidi.
Questi fiori sono per te! Enjoy them and come again anytime you need o pata de culoare ;)
With the risk of sounding a bit of a nationalist, I love my country. I didn't feel it that much until I actually left it for some time. I thought at first I just missed it so much, but missing something to the point of always thinking of it... I think that can be called love.

